We believe that paying for your energy, is about more than just paying bills. So, while you will find information about the ways you can pay for your energy below, we thought we would include an explanation about what goes into these services too.
Use this list to jump to the bits you want to read!
We understand that paying for energy bills can be difficult. If you are having difficulty, you can visitcodes-of-practice#difficulties-paying for advice about paying for your energy, and for information about independent help. Alternatively, please call 0345 2412 175 to speak to our Customer Budgeting Team. We can help find a payment plan that will suit you. We offer several ways for you to pay for your energy and will find a solution that will take your circumstances into consideration.
There are three ways to pay for the energy you use;
Pay As You Go (PAYG)
We offer a simple, user-friendly and competitively priced service to energy conscious households. We believe PAYG is a fantastic way to keep the amount you’re spending in line with your usage, especially as your smart meter and In-Home Display will allow you to see the exact amount you’re using!
With our smart meters you will receive:
Our contact centre has a friendly customer care team ready to take your call if you need help.
If ever you feel it is not safe for you to have a prepayment meter or that you are unable to use your prepayment meter, please contact us immediately so we can understand your situation and work with you to find a suitable solution.
Monthly Direct Debit
Setting up a Direct Debit can be an easy way to pay whether you have a PAYG or credit meter.
If you have a credit meter, you can choose to pay a regular Direct Debit amount each month. The monthly option lets you evenly spread the cost of your energy usage over a period of time, usually a year.
A regular monthly Direct Debit is calculated to cover your expected energy usage for the next 12 months. If available, we use your previous year’s bills to estimate how much you’ll need to pay. Where we don’t have this information, we use any details we have about your home such as the number of rooms and property type to estimate your usage. We calculate your total energy costs (including the repayment of any outstanding balance) for the coming year. This is then divided by 12 to give you a monthly payment amount.
You may find that you are paying for more than you are using during the summer to allow you to have enough credit to cover your higher winter bills. We spread your payments evenly over the year so you do not need to worry about frequent changes to your monthly outgoings. We review your Direct Debit annually, to make sure you are paying the right amount. We will notify you if ever we believe your Direct Debit no longer matches your usage and needs to be adjusted.
If you build up a large credit balance on your account, you can request all or part of this back at any time. We will discuss with you your circumstances and the expected amount required to cover your future bills and we will help you decide what to do for the best.
If you have a PAYG meter, we will discuss with you how much you are likely to spend each month before setting up your payment plan. If you exceed this amount, you may need to top-up an additional amount to remain on supply.
The amount that you choose can be updated – just call our friendly Customer Care Team to discuss your needs. Our contact details and opening hours can be found at the end of this code.
The Direct Debit Guarantee
The Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits.
If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit, Utilita Energy Ltd will notify you (normally 10 working days) in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request Utilita Energy Ltd to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request.
If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit by Utilita Energy Ltd or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society. If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when we ask you to.
You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify Utilita Energy Ltd.
Payment on Receipt of Bill
If you choose to pay each time you receive a bill, we will usually send you a bill each month. After receiving each bill, you will have up to 10 working days to make your payment.
You can choose to pay your bills by:
If you would like to use the above to make a payment, our bank details are included below.
Utilita Energy Ltd
Sort Code – 09-02-22
Bank Account Number – 10470356
Please make sure to include your Customer Reference Number as a payment reference to help us allocate your payment to your account.
Alternatively, with a BillPay card number, you will be able to make payments to your Utilita account directly through our App or online portal, at a PayPoint, via our website at www.utilita.co.uk/top-upor through our automated payment line 0330 0537 657.
If you don’t have a BillPay card, you can request one free of charge by visiting www.utilita.co.uk/newcard
You can also make a debit or credit card payment by contacting our Billing Team directly on 0330 0535 669.
If you’re using Pay As You Go you won’t receive regular bills. However, we can send you a top-up statement on request.
If you’re paying by Direct Debit, you will receive a monthly bill. This will show what you have paid against the cost of the energy you have used. It may also show an updated Direct Debit amount depending on whether we have reassessed your account as detailed above. You’ll receive a letter confirming any change to your Direct Debit amount before we debit your account.
If you have a Green Deal premises, you will receive a Green Deal Annual Statement for every 12 month period you are with us.
If you have a smart meter installed, you shouldn’t need to provide us with meter readings as these are taken automatically from your meter.
If you don’t have a smart meter installed, or if we cannot access data from your smart meter, we may need to estimate your usage based on your previous energy usage. Where we can’t get frequent meter readings, we may ask you to provide them – it is best if we can get a meter reading at least once a month, so we can base each bill on an actual reading.
The more often we receive a meter reading from you, the more accurate your bill will be, however we will also aim to read any non-smart meter at least once a year (please see our Arrangements for Site Access Code of Practice for more information on visiting your home). You can also give your own readings if you would like to. Where you provide your own meter readings, we will rely on these readings and use them in your bill. We may seek to establish whether the reading you’ve provided looks reasonable, based on the energy we think you would have used. If we don’t accept your meter reading, we will explain this to you and we may use an estimated reading.
Your bills will show you how we have calculated your usage using the readings we have taken or that you have provided.
If you disagree with an estimated bill, we are happy for you to provide us with your own meter reading(s). We may accept your first reading and update your bill or we may send our own representative to take a meter reading. If for any reason, any final bill is not accurate, we will ensure that a corrected bill is sent to you as soon as possible after the mistake is identified.
If you believe your bills are being affected by a faulty meter, you should keep a record of your usage for a few days as an initial investigation, and then call our contact centre for advice. If you ask us to send an engineer out and there is nothing wrong with your meter(s), call out charges may apply. Please see our Guaranteed Standards Code of Practice www.utilita.co.uk/codes-of-practice
If you have a disability which prevents you from reading your meters or topping up, please let us know by either contacting us or signing up to our Priority Service Register. This may indicate a remotely read smart meter is the best choice for you.
We aim to provide you with regular, accurate energy bills to help prevent you falling behind with payments and having a large catch-up bill. If we fail to send you an accurate bill for over 12 months, we will only charge you for energy used in the last 12 months.
Please note, this protection does not apply if:
If you pay for your energy by direct debit, on receipt of bills or by PAYG on a non-smart meter, then it is important you take final meter readings and send these to us promptly when you move home or change energy supplier. This will ensure that you only ever pay for your own energy use and that the final bill we send you is accurate.
If you’re a credit customer, we will aim to send your final bill within six weeks of you leaving our supply. Where this is not possible, we will try our best to explain the reason for any delay. Where applicable, your final bill will include your final Green Deal Charges that would be payable to us. Your new Green Deal supplier will then take up the responsibility of collecting your remaining Green Deal Charges. Where you have a credit balance, we will aim to refund your balance back to you. If you have a debit balance, we will ask for you to pay the final amount.
If you’re a PAYG customer using a smart meter, you’re not required to take a meter reading but you should let us know when you are moving out so we can ensure any remaining credit is refunded to you as quickly as possible.
If you have a Green Deal Premise and you finish paying off your Green Deal Charges whilst you’re still with us, we will issue you a closing Statement of Account showing the final payments made.
Utilita Contact details
Customer Care Team: 0330 333 7442
customerservices@utilita .co.uk
Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 8:00pm
Sat & Sun: 8:00am - 5:00pm
If you would like a copy of this code of practice in Braille or audio form, please get in touch. Copies of this document can be posted to any of our customers free of charge.
We understand that paying for energy bills can be difficult, so we want to help. If you let us know that you are having difficulty, we can work with you to help you manage your debt. We can also look into how you can reduce your energy usage to bring down your cost. We know, that even a small amount of debt can be difficult to confront. Please, make contacting us and discussing your situation one of your first steps to resolving it.
I pay by Direct Debit or when I receive a bill
If you are having difficulty with your bills, please call 03452 412 175 to speak to our Customer Budgeting Team. We can help find a payment plan that will suit you. We offer several ways for you to pay for energy and will find a solution that will take your circumstances into consideration.
If you miss a Direct Debit payment, we will let you know when we will re-apply for it. Please be aware that if you miss payments, your Direct Debit amount may have to increase to account for any outstanding balance(s) at your next Direct Debit review.
If you start to fall behind on your payments, we will get in touch to let you know the amount you owe and list alternative ways you can pay for your energy. We want to help you stay on top of your bills. So, if you contact us and agree to a reasonable payment plan we will not take any further action unless you break this arrangement.
Don’t worry, we understand that the amount you can afford to repay us may change over time. If it does, please contact us and we will check if a different payment plan may be more appropriate.
If you do not pay your bills on time or break the terms and conditions related to your payment method, we have the right to change your payment method. For example, we may require you to switch to Pay as You Go so that an agreed percentage of your top-ups would go towards your outstanding balance. This change in payment method may result in an increase in your energy prices, in which case we would write to explain this seven days in advance of the change taking place.
What If I use Pay as You Go?
If you top up for your energy, it may be harder for us to tell if you are having difficulty. If you are struggling and believe you may be left without supply for an extended period, please let us know about your circumstances. We will review your account and check if we can top up your meter with enough credit to help you stay on supply, based on your usage and circumstances.
While we would not charge you any interest on this top-up, it will be added to a meter of our choice as a debt to ensure it is paid in full. During this process, we would discuss your ability to pay to agree what percentage of your future top-ups will go towards paying this outstanding balance.
Don’t worry, we understand that the amount you can afford to repay us with your top-ups may change. If it does, please contact us and we will check if a new recovery rate may be more appropriate.
If your smart meter is off supply and you are registered on our Priority Service Registeras being critically dependent on your energy, we may contact you to check if you need any help. If your circumstances change and you no longer believe that a Pay as You Go meter is safe for you to use, please get in touch with us as soon as possible.
Green Deal
If your property has a green deal agreement in place, we will take regular payments from you to go towards the outstanding loan. If you are struggling with making payments, please get in touch with us as soon as you can. We may offer you a Pay as You Go meter to allow you to conveniently pay for the outstanding charges, your ongoing daily charges and your electricity together.
Please remember that the green deal agreement is a consumer credit arrangement, which means if you miss a payment it may affect your credit rating.
If you receive income support, pension credit or universal credit you can apply to the Fuel Direct Scheme. The scheme means that the Department for Work and Pensions will:
While we will do everything we can to avoid it, we are legally allowed to disconnect you, if you do not make reasonable attempts to pay for any of your energy usage. There may also be additional charges you will be required to pay if we disconnect or reconnect your supply.
If we have to disconnect your supply for non-payment, we will always contact you in advance to let you know why and when this will happen and if there is anything you can do to avoid disconnection. As stated above, we are always willing to work with you to manage your debt, so as long as you contact us and agree to a reasonable payment plan we will not take any further action unless you break this arrangement. If the arrangement is broken, as a last resort we may have to use a debt recovery agent.
There are strict rules governing debt recovery agents. You can learn about your consumer rights by calling Citizens Advice or checking their website.
It is important to understand that we will not disconnect your energy in the winter months (October – March) if you are of pensionable age and live alone, or only with people under the age of 18 or of pensionable age.
We will try our best not to disconnect anyone during this time.
There are many different ways that we, or other organisations, can help you if you are struggling with your bills.
We'll do everything we can to help you, but if you would like free, confidential and independent advice then you may want to try the Citizens Advice Service. If you would like to receive impartial advice, please either visit www.adviceguide.org.uk or call the Citizens Advice helpline on 03454 040 506.
We also recommend checking out these other sources of help and advice:
Utilita Contact details
Customer Care Team: 0330 333 7442
customerservices@utilita .co.uk
Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 8:00pm
Sat & Sun: 8:00am - 5:00pm
If you would like a copy of this code of practice in Braille or audio form, please get in touch. Copies of this document can be posted to any of our customers free of charge.
The most important thing to remember is your safety. There are a number of precautions that you can take in order to ensure that you are not exposed to any danger from your gas or electricity supply.
If you smell gas, follow this advice from the National Gas Emergency Service:
National Gas Emergency Service number - 0800 111 999
(Do not phone from a mobile phone as this may ignite a spark)
If your meter is NOT in a basement, cellar or confined area, turn off the gas supply at the emergency control valve handle. The valve can be found near to the meter. Turn the handle through 90 degrees so that it is at a right angle to the pipe.
Now follow the basic safety advice below.
If the meter is in a basement, cellar or confined area do not enter the area to turn off the supply; follow the steps below.
Basic Safety Advice
Carbon monoxide is a very dangerous gas. It is colourless and has no taste or smell. If your gas appliance is faulty, or there is not enough ventilation in the room, carbon monoxide may be produced.
To keep your household safe you can:
Danger Signs:
Orange or yellow gas flames. Gas flames should be blue
Sooty stains or discolouration on or by the appliance
You may develop some of the following symptoms: headaches, drowsiness, sickness, giddiness or stomach pains
Many of the symptoms of carbon monoxide are similar to those of flu, food poisoning, viral infections, or simple tiredness. Other warning signs that suggest carbon monoxide poisoning include:
If all the adults in your home are disabled, chronically sick or of pensionable age, you are entitled to a free safety check of your gas appliances every year. If you are in private rented accommodation, it is your landlord’s responsibility to offer you a free gas safety check. Even if you have to fund it yourself, these checks are advisable.
If an appliance is found to be dangerous, it will be condemned and cannot be used until it has been repaired or replaced. If this happens you can call the Gas Safe Register enquiry number on 0800 408 550 or visit their website at www.gassaferegister.co.uk for advice.
Electricity is safe if you use it properly, but carelessness can lead to accidents. When using electricity, make sure you take the following precautions:
Our Customer Services Team are trained to deal with all of your enquiries. To speak to an advisor, call us on 0345 2072 000. Alternatively you can email contact us here.
Independent Advice
We’ll do everything we can to help you, but if you would like any independent advice then you may want to try:
Citizens Advice Consumer Service Call - 0345 4040 506Website - www.adviceguide.org.uk
National Grid (for gas maintenance and emergencies) Call - 0800 111 999Website - www.nationalgrid.com
If you would like a copy of this, or any other code of practice in Braille or audio form, please get in touch. Copies of this document can be posted to any of our customers free of charge.
There are several reasons why a Utilita representative may call at your door:
Where we can make a prior arrangement and time for a visit we will. Our appointments are divided into two time slots, ‘am’ and ‘pm’:
Morning: 8am-1pm
Afternoon: 12pm-5pm
We ask for someone over the age of 18 to remain in the property for the duration of the arranged time slot. If we miss you, we push a card through your door to let you know that we’ve called. We can’t guarantee that we can get back to you on the same day, but if you call Customer Services, we will reschedule the appointment as quickly as possible.
Each of our representatives will wear a valid photo ID badge, but not necessarily with the Utilita logo on it. This is because in order to deliver the best service possible, we sometimes outsource engineering work or meter readings to external Meter Operating Companies. These representatives will always be trained to meet our high standards of practice, but do not be alarmed if they are not wearing Utilita uniform as they are still regulated by us. All comments and complaints should still be directed to our Customer Services Team and will be dealt with as a matter of urgency.
You should always check the identity and business of any person before letting them into your home. All visiting representatives have an identity card that they will show you without being asked. They will also confirm the exact reason they are calling.
You should check the card thoroughly; it should contain the following information:
If you have concerns about security, we offer a password scheme. This password can be up to 25 characters long. It is chosen by you and updated in our system. We will only ever give your password to our Utilita Representatives and Meter Reading, Network Operating Company Representatives who need to know it, and you can change it as often as you like.
The person who lets the engineer in must be over 18. Whether they are coming to fix your meters, or fit your property with new smart meters, their identity can be verified by any member of our Customer Care Team. If in doubt, call us on 0330 333 7442.
Utilita supplies your electricity and/or gas but does not own the pipes and wires used to transport these around the country. These are provided by national or local grid and pipeline companies (‘Network Operator Companies’ NOC’s). These Network Operator Companies carry out the same duties for Utilita as any other national utility supplier under the terms of their licences.
Occasionally a Network Operator Company might need to work on the pipes and wires that connect to your home, we will always try to give you advance warning of this, but in case of an emergency they may let you know directly. These Network Operating Engineers will rarely need to come into your property, as it is up to us as your supplier to maintain your meter.
Once you are installed with smart meters, we can read them remotely. In the lead up to this, we may have to send someone to read your meters manually. Like many suppliers, we sometimes use an external Meter Operating Company to ensure that all of our customers are billed accurately. You are by no means obliged to let anybody into your house and in most situations we can supply you with a meter reading card for you to fill in yourself. Details on how to read your meter are available here.
If we have been unable to obtain any sort of payment, we may resort to using debt recovery agents. We are reluctant to do this and will help you avoid this eventuality as best we can, so please contact us if you fall into debt and feel that you cannot cope. There are strict rules governing debt recovery agents and you can learn all about your consumer rights by calling the Citizen’s Advice Bureau or checking their website. Their contact details can be found at the bottom of this page.
For an independent company like Utilita, sales agents are a valuable way of spreading information about our services to the general public. All of our sales agents are subject to a Criminal Records Check and undergo product training. They work from 9am-8pm from Monday to Thursday and 9am-6pm on Fridays, complying with the code of conduct for sales. They will only ever sell at booked events or door-to-door and will never approach you in the street.
Our sales agents will ALWAYS be able to present you with a valid ID badge. This includes:
Sales Agents must be able to present a valid Utilita ID badge at all times.
Many of our agents also choose to wear a Utilita uniform, which consists of a jacket or polo shirt with our logo on it.
To ensure each of our customers is completely happy to switch to us, we never process a contract without validating it over the phone. This call is scripted to cover the main points, but our Sales Advisors are trained to answer any questions that may arise at this point.
We will always check that the person signing up is responsible for the household bills and is over 18. Vulnerable customers receive an additional “comfort call” from our call centre to check that they are completely happy to proceed with their application and fully understand our terms and conditions. We will wait and speak to their carer or next of kin if this is deemed necessary. In sheltered accommodation, agents must receive the warden’s permission to approach customers.
We’ll do everything we can to help you, but if you would like any independent advice then you may want to try the Citizens Advice consumer service. This provides free, confidential and impartial advice on consumer issues. Visit www.adviceguide.org.uk or call the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 0345 4040 506.
Call - 0808 8084 000
Website - www.nationaldebtline.org
If you have a Complaint or any feedback specifically about a sales agent, it’s best to contact the Sales Team:
Call - 0345 2068 777
Email -sales@utilita.co.uk
All other complaints can be directed to our Customer Services Team:
Call - 0345 2072 000
Email - Get in touch
All members of staff are trained to deal with your complaint, so please call either number above. You can, at any point in this proceeding, ask to speak to a Manager. Should we fail to reach a satisfactory solution within 8 weeks, then you are within your rights to seek impartial advice from the Energy Ombudsman. This is an independent body which helps to resolve complaints for customers; it can ask us to apologise, take some practical action or offer a financial reward to a customer.
Call - 0330 440 1624
Website - www.energyombudsman.org/
If you would like a copy of this, or any other code of practice in Braille or audio form, please get in touch. Copies of this document can be posted to any of our customers free of charge.
This Code offers a number of simple and practical measures that can have an immediate effect on reducing the amount of energy you use, whilst helping the environment benefit from less pollution.
Every one of us can save energy by making small lifestyle changes.
Save electricity
Most of the energy used by a washing machine is to heat the water. Turn your washing machine down to 30˚C.
Avoid using your tumble dryer if you can, but if you do need to use it, make sure that the clothes are well spun and not dripping wet.
Switch electronics (such as televisions and games consoles) off at the plug instead of leaving them on standby.
In most homes lighting accounts for 10 – 15% of the electricity bill. Swap your inefficient traditional light bulbs for energy efficient bulbs instead. These will reduce your bills because they only use a fraction of the energy needed to operate a traditional bulb. These bulbs cost less to run, but also last longer than normal bulbs, meaning you don’t have to change them as often.
Defrost your fridge regularly to keep it running efficiently and cheaply. If it shows a tendency to frost up quickly then the door seal may be faulty. If you must put your fridge next to your cooker or boiler, leave as big a gap as possible between them.
If you’re making a cup of tea or coffee, don’t fill the kettle to the brim. Just put enough for what you need and make sure that you cover the element.
Save gas
Turn your thermostat down: Reducing your room temperature by 1°C can cut heating bills by up to 10% and typically saves around £60 per year.
Keep lids on pots and pans.
Draw your curtains at night to prevent heat from escaping through the windows.
Once you have had a smart meter installed, it will be even easier for you to keep track of your energy usage and carbon emissions. Our smart metering system includes a handheld device called a In-Home Display, which can track how much carbon you have produced.
Prepayment Customers can use this to gain absolute control over their spending, as they can see how their usage affects their credit levels in real time. All customers will benefit financially from greater energy efficiency.
If you feel that you are spending too much on your electricity and gas, one of the first measures that we take is to send you an energy saving pack. This contains:
If you could benefit from one of these packs, you can request one free of charge at any time by contacting our Customer Services Team.
If you are committed to using energy more efficiently, there are a number of changes that you can make to your house, including:
The Green Deal
These changes can be expensive, but you can spread the cost with a “pay-as-you-save” programme such as the Green Deal. This is an initiative which allows you to pay for new energy efficiency measures through your electricity bill. The cost of this will never exceed the saving that you make through these green measures.
Warm Front
If you are in receipt of income support or disability living allowance, you may also be eligible for a grant of up to £3,500 towards energy efficiency improvements through the Warm Front Scheme. This funding is designated to people who have poorly insulated or unheated homes. For advice on independent schemes that may be able to help you, contact our Customer Services team.
Solar panels
By generating your own electricity you will of course save on your energy bills and with the Government’s Smart Export Guarantee, The smart export guarantee (SEG) is an obligation set by the government for licensed electricity suppliers to offer a tariff and make payment to small-scale low-carbon generators for electricity exported to the National Grid, providing certain criteria are met.
Utilita, as a mandatory SEG licensee, will pay you for every kilowatt hour of unused, eligible electricity you generate and feed into the National Grid. The SEG is an opportunity for anyone who has installed one of the following technology types up to a capacity of 5MW, or up to 50kW for Micro-CHP:
These installations must be located in Great Britain.
Our Customer Services Team are trained to deal with all of your enquiries, including energy efficiency. To speak to an advisor, call us on 0345 2072 000. Alternatively you can email here.
Independent advice
We’ll do everything we can to help you, but if you would like any independent advice then you may want to try:
Citizens Advice Consumer Service
Call - 0345 4040 506
Website - www.adviceguide.org.uk
Simple Energy Advice
Call - 0800 444 202
Website - www.simpleenergyadvice.org.uk
National Grid (for gas maintenance and emergencies)
Call - 0800 111 999
Website - www.nationalgrid.com
Warm Front
Call - 03301 231 234
Textphone - 08000 720 156
Website - www.warmfront.co.uk
If you would like a copy of this, or any other code of practice in Braille or audio form, please get in touch. Copies of this document can be posted to any of our customers free of charge.
We are committed to providing you with our best customer service. Our service provides quick and effective advice for all enquiries. We know sometimes things go wrong and we would like to hear from you so we are able to resolve the matter as soon as possible. The quickest way to resolve any issue is to call one of our Customer Service Advisors. They aim to resolve your query whilst on the phone, however, if for some reason they are unable to do this they will take your contact details and call you back with a resolution. If your enquiry needs escalating to a manager they will be able to pass your details on to them and a call back with the manager will be arranged.
Call our Customer Care Team on 0330 333 7442 and they will do their utmost to resolve any query you may have. Alternatively:
Email - Contact us here
Write to: Utilita Energy Limited,
Hutwood Court,
Bournemouth Road,
Chandler's Ford,
SO53 3QB
Our aim is to resolve all your queries on your first call, our Customer Care Advisors are all trained to identify and deal with complaints. However, if the Customer Care Advisor is unable to resolve your query, they will escalate it to a specialist team or ask a manager to help.
If we cannot solve the problem there and then and we have not done so within 24 hours, or if the matter is not resolved and requires further investigation, we will call or write to you to let you know what is happening.
If you write to tell us about your complaint by letter or e-mail we will get back to you within 10 working days of us receiving it.
If we have not been able to resolve your complaint immediately we will tell you within 10 working days and explain the next steps we plan to take. You should expect to receive a full and detailed response within 10 working days of our first letter or e-mail.
If you tell us that you are still not satisfied with the outcome, we will pass your complaint to the Customer Care Manager. You should expect to receive our final view by letter within 5 working days of the Customer Care Manager receiving your complaint.
If you are still unhappy about the result or how we have handled your complaint there are various independent organisations that can help.
1) You can refer the matter to the Citizens Advice Consumer Service which provides free, confidential and impartial advice on consumer issues.
Call - 0345 4040 506
Website - www.adviceguide.org.uk
Address - Citizens Advice consumer service PO Box 833 Moulton Park Northampton
2) If a complaint is unresolved by us as your supplier after eight weeks, you have the option to contact the Energy Ombudsman, who helps to resolve complaints from consumers about energy (gas and electricity) companies. We will provide you with what is known as a 'deadlock' letter to help you do this. The Energy Ombudsman is approved by Ofgem, the UK gas and electricity regulator under the Consumers Estate Agents and Redress Act 2007.
Call - 0330 4401 624
Email - enquiry@energyombudsman.org
Website - https://www.energyombudsman.org/
Please click on the link below for a downloadable copy of our Complaints Handling Procedure. Alternatively you can ask us to post a copy to you, just contact us on 0345 2072 000.
Download our Complaints Handling Procedure
There are Complaints Handing Regulations in place for the energy industry. If you would like a copy of the Gas and Electricity (Consumer Complaint Handling Standards) Regulations 2008 SI.2008 No.1898, please visit legislation.gov.uk. To get a paper copy, just call the Stationery Office on08706 005 522. We carefully record and monitor all the complaints we receive, we publish these results on our website here. We also report our complaints performance to Citizens Advice and Ofgem with the other suppliers.
Download our Complaints Handling Report 2017
As your supplier, we want to always offer you the highest standards of service possible. In order to do this we aim to meet the following standards of performance to make your experience with us as your supplier, the best possible.
The REC Code specifies the minimum standards for Code Members to follow in relation to the Customer facing aspects of the installation of Smart Metering Systems. This includes the engineer who attends and the actual experience received on installation.
The main objectives of REC Code are to make sure that the customer receives a high standard of service throughout the installation process, and knows how to use, and benefit from, the smart metering equipment to improve the energy efficiency of their home.
As a code member we have guidelines to follow to make sure customer satisfaction and quality are met. These are then measured through online and telephone interviews to make sure we as a company are meeting the guidelines specified.
For more information visit the REC Code website
As your supplier, we want to always offer you the highest standards of service possible. In order to do this we aim to meet the following standards of performance to make your experience with us as your supplier, the best possible.
If you request an appointment or we need to visit your home, we will offer you an appointment within a reasonable timeframe and a maximum four hour time slot, during working hours, or if acceptable to you, a morning appointment up until 1pm or afternoon appointment after 12pm.
We will not rearrange an appointment less than 1 working day before the date of the appointment, without obtaining agreement from you to rearrange. We must also keep a written record of your agreement to rearrange.
If we fail to meet these standards we will pay you £40.
Faulty Credit Meters
If you believe that your credit meter is not working correctly, and you report it to us, we will take the following steps within 10 working days:
1. Complete an initial assessment of whether the meter is functioning correctly
or not.
2. Take appropriate action.
3. Offer to confirm in writing the outcome of the assessment and the actions that will be taken
If a prepayment smart meter develops a fault, it could result in loss of supply. If this occurs and we cannot resolve the problem for you over the phone, we guarantee to visit and put the problem right.
If the meter fault is reported between 8am and 8pm, Monday to Friday (working days), we will attend within 3 hours. If the meter fault is reported at the weekend or on a bank holiday between 9am and 5pm, we will attend within 4 hours. These are maximum time frames only; we strive to attend sooner than this where possible.
If you let us know about a meter fault outside these times, and we can't attend the same day, then we will attend before 11am the following working day, or 12pm on weekends and bank holidays.
If we fail to meet these standards we will pay you £40.
Where we have disconnected the gas or electricity supply to your property, due to unpaid gas or electricity charges, we can reconnect the relevant supply once these have been paid or a repayment plan has been agreed.
We will then reconnect your gas and/or electricity supply to the property within 24 hours. If the relevant payments are made or the repayment plan is arranged outside of working hours, the 24 hour period will begin at the start of the next period of working hours.
If we fail to meet this standard we will pay you £40.
We may be asked by electricity distribution companies or gas transporters to pay compensation to you in some circumstances where you have lost supply.
The network company will let us know who is due compensation and how much. If you are identified as a customer who is due a payment we will let you know of this and make payment to you within 10 working days of us receiving the payment.
If we fail to meet this standard we will pay you £40.
We aim to transfer your supply over to Utilita within 15 working days of the date that we have both your and your meter’s details.
If you request the transfer to take place after the 15 working days specified above, then we will aim to transfer your supply over to Utilita on the date you have requested. In both cases, if your current supplier objects to the transfer this will delay your switch. If this happens, we will no longer be able to guarantee the date your switch will complete.
If as part of your transfer you agreed to transfer an outstanding balance on a prepayment meter from your old supplier, then your switch will take longer to complete. If we are able to agree the transfer, then we expect your switch should complete within 32 working days of having both you and your meter’s details.
If we fail to meet any of these standards you may be eligible for £40.
Mistakes can happen when switching supplier. If we are given the wrong meter or address details, we can end up registering another meter – for example that of a neighbour - by mistake. You are protected by the following guarantees.
We will not transfer your supply without your explicit permission.
If we or another supplier transfer your supply by mistake, you can begin the process to have this corrected by contacting us or the other supplier involved. If you have contacted us first, we will send you written confirmation of the outcome of our investigation within 20 working days of informing us.
We will confirm with the other supplier if you were switched in error within 20 working days of you informing either one of us.
If it is agreed that the other supplier took your supply by mistake, we will return your supply back to Utilita within 21 working days of the agreement.
If we fail to meet any of these standards, you may be eligible for £40
If you receive bills, or pay by Direct Debit and switch to another supplier, we will provide you a final bill within 6 weeks of your supply end date with us.
If we lose your supply for any other reason, we will provide you a final bill either: within 6 weeks of your supply end date with us or within 6 weeks of the date we are notified that we no longer supply you (whichever is the later date).
If we fail to meet any of these standards you may be eligible for £40.
If you have a credit balance on your final bill, we promise to refund that balance within 10 working days of the date of your final bill.
If we fail to meet any of these standards you may be eligible for £40.
If we fail to meet any individual Standards of Performance, set out here, we must for each failure, make a payment of £40 to you the customer, within 10 working days. If we fail to make the payment we must for each payment, pay you a further £40 within 10 working days.
This also applies to failure to make the above ‘Distributed Payments’.
The below figures show our results on Guaranteed Standards of Performance for each quarter. These include the totals for all of our Engineer appointments for both Gas and Electricity as well as a combined total.
A ‘breach’ is any appointment where we have failed to meet the standards set to make your customer experience with us the best possible.
Quarters | Appointments | Appointment Breaches | Faulty Meter | Faulty Meter Breaches | Total Cases | Total Breaches | Net breaches as a proportion of cases |
2024 Q2 | 32,891 | 1,063 | 13,246 | 404 | 46,137 | 1,467 | 3.18% |
2024 Q1 | 29,877 | 1,052 | 15,196 | 694 | 45,073 | 1,746 | 3.87% |
2023 Q4 | 25,221 | 1,076 | 15,444 | 533 | 40,665 | 1,609 | 3.96% |
2023 Q3 | 22,147 | 948 | 11,482 | 412 | 33,629 | 1,360 | 4.04% |
Based on the Residual Fuel Mix Table for Tax Year 2023/20241
Energy Source | Utilita Mix2 | National Average3 |
Natural Gas | 68% | 35% |
Renewables | 0% | 43% |
Nuclear | 11% | 13% |
Coal | 15% | 6% |
Other Fuels | 7% | 3% |
1 - The disclosure period is from 01/04/2023 to 31/03/2024
2 - This data relates to the total amount of electricity purchased for supply by Utilita.
3 - Ofgem regulations state values must be rounded to the nearest whole percent if >1% so values may not add up to
100% as a consequence.
473 g/kWh
0.00076 g/kWh
A back-bill is a ‘catch-up’ bill sent to you by your gas or electricity supplier when you haven’t been correctly charged for your energy use (for periods exceeding 12 months or more). Back-bills can be for any amount but there is a principle in place defining when and for how far back your supplier can charge you.
Ofgem directed all domestic energy suppliers to stop back-billing customers for energy used more than 12 months ago, if the supplier was at fault for not having sent a bill to the customer’.*
* Following a super-complaint made by Consumer Focus’s predecessor body, energywatch.
This requirement has been in place since 2007 and, with encouragement from Ofgem and Consumer Focus, suppliers have worked to improve their procedures to ensure that consumers are treated in a fair and reasonable manner. Some energy suppliers have developed their own policies to reflect this requirement. Others that are members of the energy supplier trade body, Energy UK, have developed a joint voluntary code of practice (the Energy UK Code of Practice for Accurate Bills) to ensure that their domestic customers do not suffer financially as a result of billing errors where the supplier is at fault.
Although we are not a signatory of the back-billing code, we do follow the principle.
Each case is looked at on its own merits; however, the 12 month limit for back-bills may apply in these examples when your supplier has:
If your supplier is at fault, it will not seek additional payment for unbilled energy used more than 12 months prior to the error being detected and a corrected bill being issued.
Energy UK has developed a more detailed list of example scenarios where the back-billing principle may apply as part of its Code of Practice for Accurate Bills. The scenarios are available here: www.energy-uk.org.uk/backbilling.html The Code is regularly reviewed and updates are made to incorporate new scenarios to ensure that consumers are treated fairly.
Members of the Code include: British Gas (including Scottish Gas), EDF Energy, E.ON, npower and ScottishPower.
Whilst the Energy UK Code does not apply to all suppliers, the back-billing principle applies to all suppliers. Suppliers that are not formal members of the Energy UK Code of Practice for Accurate Bills may use the Code and its scenarios for guidance when deciding whether the back-billing principle should be applied.
If your supplier has said that the back-billing principle or the Energy UK Code does not apply, and you are unhappy with their decision, the next step is to contact your supplier and follow their complaints process. All suppliers have a complaint handling procedure designed to assist their customers.
Citizens Advice consumer service
If you need independent help and advice about back-billing issues or any other energy issues you can contact the government-funded helpline Citizens Advice consumer service on0845 4040 506 or visit their website: www.adviceguide.org.uk
The Ombudsman Services: Energy
If you are not satisfied with the supplier’s efforts to resolve your complaint after eight weeks, or if the supplier confirms it has reached a final position on your concern, you can ask the Ombudsman Service: Energy to investigate.
The Ombudsman Services: Energy is an independent body which has been set up to resolve disputes between energy companies and their customers. The Ombudsman will consider whether your supplier must take any action to put things right for you. Its decisions are binding on the energy company.
The Ombudsman Services: Energy, PO Box 966, Warrington, WA4 9D
Call - 03304 401 624
Email - enquiry@energyombudsman.org
Website - www.energyombudsman.org/
Here at Utilita we put the customer at the centre of our business. We believe that every customer deserves to be treated fairly and with Respect. This is at the forefront of our minds whenever we talk to our customers.
To build a business that puts fairness at the heart of all we do, and have the courage to challenge the status quo to find better ways of providing essential services for the benefit of our customers.
We are always keen to hear from our customers as we constantly strive to improve. If you think there is anything we can do to help treat you more fairly, please email us at customerservices@utilita.co.uk.
We understand that sometimes things go wrong. This is why we have a fully dedicated team of complaints handlers who are there to help find a fair outcome that works for you. We’ve tried to make our complaints process as easy as we can for you.
Customer Care Team: 0330 333 7442
customerservices@utilita.co.uk8:00am - 8:00pm Mon - Fri
8:00am - 5:00pm Sat
For regular promotional, energy saving or industry updates, follow us here:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/UtilitaEnergyUK