
A plan as
unique as us.

We've been helping households cut energy waste since 2003 - all in the interest of the pocket and the planet.

Young girl switching off a light, promoting sustainability and energy savings to reduce household energy waste.

Our goals

Be the change

Join our campaign for cleaner, cheaper energy.

A leaf

Utilita has two carbon targets, one we can control - our operations - and one we can’t - the energy we supply.

A building

Our operations will be net zero by 2030. We’re the first energy supplier to publish a live carbon dashboard to show our progress.

A balance scale

We are lobbying hard for policy changes that will ensure the UK reaches it’s net zero 2050 goals.

A light bulb

Instead of greenwashing, we educate consumers on the cleanest and greenest times to use electricity.

A mobile with a notification

We’re enabling people to join the journey to net zero via our smart data insights and services.

Speech bubble with heart

Our national campaigns such as Shop Smart, Cook Savvy and Football Rebooted have a huge environmental impact.

Fuel mix

Overview of Grid Mix

No matter what suppliers say, there’s no such thing as a 100% renewable tariff. Every household receives the same electricity from the National Grid. We help our customers to see exactly how the electricity they are receiving has been generated. Check out our live Grid Mix below.

The effects of greenwashing

Customer Electricity Grid Mix1


Current Electricity Carbon Intensity for GB

205 gCO2/kWh

Where does your energy come from?

We asked people where their energy comes from. The confusion is clear to see. We’re undoing the damage that greenwashing has done.

Watch the video


Supply Emissions


Energy Grid

We are devastated that more than half of the UK’s electricity mix is still generated by dirty, polluting fossil fuels, and the majority of UK homes are still heated by gas.

On behalf of our customers, who deserve the cleanest and greenest energy at a fair price, we are lobbying government to do the right thing. For more info, read the blog.

We are using the Energy Grid Tracker to empower customers to understand how much of the energy they consume is generated by fossil fuels, and how they can be part of the nation’s journey to net zero 2050 by holding government accountable.


You can track your household’s carbon footprint in the My Utilita app.


Our live carbon footprint dashboard can be tailored to show your business’s carbon footprint in real-time. Get in touch with your Business Development Manager or email to find out more.

Total Energy Supply Intensity2



206 gCO2/kWh

The current carbon intensity target, to be achieved by the end of FY 2026, is 144.71 gCO2/kWh

Customer Gas & Electricity Consumption Intensity3



Our Emissions


Net Zero

Utilita is the UK’s only energy supplier to use real-time carbon reporting. This means we don’t tell you what we are doing - we show you. Utilita’s real-time carbon reporting dashboard makes us accountable to everyone, all the time (you included). See how our operations are performing against our 2030 net zero target.

Exterior view of Utilita Energy's head office promoting sustainability efforts to reach net zero by 2030.

Operational Emission Targets to 20304

Annual Progress to Budget4


Target:1572.45 tCO2
Emissions FY 2024:
1724.18 tCO2

Building Gas

Building Electricity


Business Travel


Coming Soon

Data Deep Dive

We’re gearing up to share detailed data of our operational and customer emissions very soon. You’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at how we’re tracking and reducing both our operational and customer carbon footprints. Stay tuned - even more transparency and sustainability are just around the corner.


Reports & Resources

Carbon Footprint Reports

We’re committed to reducing our environmental impact and providing unprecedented transparency on our progress towards net-zero operations by 2030. As part of this, we publish our Carbon Footprint Report annually.

2022/23 Carbon Footprint Report
2021/22 Carbon Footprint Report
2020/21 Carbon Footprint Report
2019/20 Carbon Footprint Report

Supporting Data

You won’t find any greenwashed figures in our reports. All our carbon figures are audited and verified by trusted third parties.

Download Emissions Data Breakdown

We report annually against the Task Force for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations, disclosing across four key areas: governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets.

Non-Financial and Sustainability Information (NFSI) statement

Our carbon accounting automations are independently reviewed and validated by Pause People Collective Limited in accordance with ISO 14064-3 for the validation and verification of greenhouse gas assertions. Aligned with the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard.

Validation statement

1 Based on the latest half-hourly intensity data available from the energy systems operator. For example, if you consumed 1kWh at a carbon intensity of 200gcCO2/kWh, it would be equivalent to driving 0.73 miles in an average diesel car. The average UK household consumes 2,700 kWh of electricity per year.

2 Based on the latest half-hourly intensity data available from the energy systems operator. Intensity targets are based on achieving a steady reduction in carbon intensity every 4 years, ensuring steady progress to net zero 2050.

3 Customer Consumption Intensity shows the actual daily carbon intensity of energy used by Utilita customers, compared to the annual intensity target. Calculated using a location-based methodology and possible thanks to over 95% of our customers being smart metered.

4 Includes all material emission sources. waste, water, employee commuting and upstream supply chain cannot be included in this automation due to current reporting limitations, however, you can see the impact of these emissions sources in our annual carbon footprint reports. This automation covers all operations from Luxion Group entities, of which Utilita Energy is the largest entity.