Our approach to Sustainability.

Utilita is the first and still the only energy company created to help households use – and waste - less energy. We take pride in that.

The greenest energy is the energy we don’t use.

This is Utilita’s mantra. Our best-in-class tech and behavioural change campaigns focus on getting consumers to use less energy – benefitting both the environment and their pocket.

50 shades of green.

Most tariffs marketed as “green” or “100% renewable” are not carbon-free and have no bearing on the mix of energy supplied to your home. They simply act like a carbon offset. There are several different ways to offset this pollution. Some are better – and more transparent - than others.

All households receive the same energy mix from the National Grid. Half is still generated by burning gas and coal. The only exception is when energy is piped direct into the home from a renewable energy source.

What we’ve done so far.

Why our approach is the greenest of them all.

Home energy usage accounts for 21% of the UK’s pollution, of which almost half could be avoided, by cutting energy wastage. This is the opinion of energy expert and environmentalist, Bill Bullen, who created Utilita with this issue in mind.

Our customers are 11% greener than the average household.

We have led the way in Energy Intelligence technology, by giving customers free access via their smartphone to a simplified analysis of their home energy efficiency and tips on how to improve it. This results in the majority of households using 11% less energy per year, on average.

Behaviour change.
For good.

Knowledge is power. Giving real-time visibility of energy usage in pounds and pence changes the way households use energy, forever. Our Energy High 5 campaign educates households on five simple and free ways to save up to £281 per year, while our ‘Smart Score’ app feature helps reduce their energy spend.

Our Fuel Mix Disclosure.

If our approach to supplying energy is so green, why does our fuel mix look so brown?

Simply put, our fuel mix is the same as all other energy companies - it’s from the same National Grid. But the current rules don’t allow us to show this.

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Net zero by 2030.

Below you’ll read about Utilita’s 2030 net-zero goal and how we are offsetting our pollution. We are unique in how we are doing this, and completely honest about our approach. We are also doing our best in persuading the Government to change the rules, so all energy companies are as transparent as we are.

Read the Blog

Our net zero strategy.

Step 1

Tracking our emissions.

Most - about 99% - of our carbon dioxide or equivalent emissions come from our customers’ consumption of the energy we supply.

Step 2

Sourcing green energy.

While we will source more of our energy from renewable sources, we will also help customers use less through the expansion of our energy efficiency services. We may use some carbon offsets, but we will do this transparently.

Step 3

Putting our customers first.

We will do this while meeting the needs of customers by making sure our energy remains affordable.

Step 4

Clean and green offices.

We’ll practise what we preach by decarbonising the emissions from the day to day running of Utilita, starting with the use of cleaner energy across all our offices, to help us reach our 2030 target and a cleaner, greener future.

Our documents.

Find our annual Carbon Footprint reports and supporting documents.