We know it can be scary losing supply and even more frustrating not being able to restore it – check out our tips below to restore your supply with ease.
Top videos
Watch our YouTube videosHead to the Utilita Community to read our step-by-step guide on how to restore your supply here:
How to: Restore your supplyPOWER UP
Apply for a POWER UP (up to £40 for electricity and £60 for gas*) when you’ve run out of credit and need to get back on supply. Pay it back on your terms as a % of your future top-ups – interest free!
Download the My Utilita app or call us on 0345 207 2000 to POWER UP.
*Terms applyDon't have a smart meter?
Don’t have a smart meter and struggling to top-up? We have options available depending on your circumstances. If you need help, please call us on 0345 207 2000.
Need help with your bills?
If you’re worried about your bill and need some help, our call our Billing Team on 0330 053 5669.
Top-up your energy credit with My Utilita, via SMS, by calling our automated top-up phone line and at any PayPoint shop. Need a bit more information? Visit our top-up help page.
Don’t worry - you can manually enter your top-up on your smart meter.
Lost your card or not swiping at the shop? No problem. You can generate your own top-up eCard for free or request a new card to be sent to you in the post.
Want to reduce your energy costs? Check out our energy efficiency tips to save some money and do your bit for the planet - from placing tin foil behind your radiator to tweaking your thermostat.
The Priority Services Register (PSR) provides non-financial support to vulnerable people. If you or someone in your household is vulnerable, you can register to let us know what you need from us to help manage your account and keep your supply on.
There’s loads of free and independent help advice available to you too:
StepChange Debt Charity
Freephone - 0800 138 1111
National Debtline
Freephone - 0808 808 4000
Citizens Advice and Advice Direct Scotland
England, Wales and Scotland (EWS)
If you are struggling to pay your energy bill or if you have a problem with your meter, you can get help
from Citizens Advice. If you live in England or Wales, go to
Your energy supply or contact the Citizens Advice consumer service on
0808 223 1133. For Relay UK, call 18001 then
0808 223 1133. To contact a Welsh-speaking adviser call
0808 223 1144. Calls are free. If you live in Scotland, go to
energyadvice.scot or contact Advice Direct
Scotland on 0808 196 8660. Calls are free. For British Sign Language
enquiries, go to Home . Citizens Advice and Advice Direct Scotland are the official sources of free and
independent energy advice and support.
England and Wales (EW)
If you are struggling to pay your energy bill or if you have a problem with your meter, you can get help
from Citizens Advice. Go to
Your energy supply or contact the Citizens Advice consumer service on
0808 223 1133. For Relay UK, call 18001 then
0808 223 1133. To contact a Welsh-speaking adviser call
0808 223 1144. Calls are free. Citizens Advice is the official source of free
and independent energy advice and support.
Scotland (S)
If you are struggling to pay your energy bill or if you have a problem with your meter, you can get help
from Advice Direct Scotland. Go to energyadvice.scot
or contact Advice Direct Scotland on 0808 196 8660. Calls are free.
For British Sign Language enquiries, go to
Contact Scotland BSL.
Advice Direct Scotland is the official source of free and independent energy advice and support.
Help with your benefits
You can have some of your bills (including rent, services charges, fuel or water bills) paid directly out of your
benefits payments if you’re having difficulties. This is called ‘third party deductions - Fuel Direct’.
The benefits that can be used are:
For more information, visit www.gov.uk/bills-benefits
The fastest way to get in touch is to chat to us online. Available 24/7.
Find answers to your questions and share solutions with other Utilita customers.
Get helpIf either of your supplies are off, contacting us by email may not be the quickest way to get your issue resolved. We would advise calling our emergency line on 0345 2068 999. If you still wish to submit an email, you will receive a response within 5 working days.
Only call if you need to, otherwise please use our online chat.
Select the top-up card that looks like yours
Call us Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm and Saturday, 8am to 5pm on
03303 337 442
Or if you’re moving home on 03452 068 777
Call us Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm on 03330 156 662
Top-up over the phone on 03452 068 333
Pay a bill on 03300 537 657
Call us Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm and Saturday, 8am to 5pm on
03303 337 440
Or if you’re moving home on 03452 068 777
Call us Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm on 03330 156 662
Top-up over the phone on 03452 068 333
Pay a bill on 03300 537 657
Lost supply? - please call our Emergency Line on 03452 068 999
so we can get you back on supply quickly!
This number is reserved for loss of supply enquiries only (Open 8am - 10pm, 7 days a week)
03 numbers are UK wide numbers that are charged in the same way as 01 and 02 numbers.