If your home is suitable, solar panels can be a great way to reduce your electricity bills, allowing you to generate your own electricity from the sun. We support any customer who chooses to use our smart metering system in conjunction with solar panel technology, offering a product that can effectively report on the extent of your savings.
By generating your own electricity you will of course save on your energy bills and with the Government’s Smart Export Guarantee, The smart export guarantee (SEG) is an obligation set by the government for licensed electricity suppliers to offer a tariff and make payment to small-scale low-carbon generators for electricity exported to the National Grid, providing certain criteria are met.
Utilita, as a mandatory SEG licensee, will pay you for every kilowatt hour of unused, eligible electricity you generate and feed into the National Grid.
The SEG is an opportunity for anyone who has installed one of the following technology types up to a capacity of 5MW, or up to 50kW for Micro-CHP:
These installations must be located in Great Britain.
The 'Feed-in Tariff scheme' (FITs) Is a scheme that closed on 1 April 2019. If you are already a FIT customer and looking to switch your FIT supply to us, please get in touch at fit@utilita.co.uk, we can talk through your sign-up process.
For further information, and to see if your solar PV system qualifies for the Feed-in Tariff, please refer to the eligibility criteria set out by Ofgem.
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