Having led the way in helping its own customers cut their usage, Utilita Energy is now inviting every UK
household to save hundreds of pounds on their energy bills through free-to-attend education sessions.
The 45-minute Bill Buster sessions are guaranteed to help 2 in 5 households save up to £246* but, with 15 ways
to cut energy usage, there are savings for every household.
Created in 2003 to help every household use less energy, Utilita is the proud home of some of the most
knowledgeable and well-established energy experts in the business. They have carefully and thoughtfully
identified 15 of the easiest and most effective ways that will enable households to cut their energy usage.
The advice falls into three main areas of the home: powering up, heating water, and cooking.
There are four ways you can become a Bill Buster. Tell us how you’d like to attend by completing the online
Not got time to attend? Watch the video and join the Utilita Community if you have any questions.
Join an interactive virtual session with other households from the comfort of your own home – all you need is internet access and a smart phone or computer.
Attend a session in person at a Utilita Energy Hub.
Request for a trained Bill Buster to attend a community-based session that you arrange.
Upskill as a Bill Buster and deliver the sessions to others.
These 45-minute workshops will be delivered by Utilita’s force of Bill Busters. They will focus on great, simple ways to cut energy usage at home, along with cost-effective cooking and hot water use. These 15 handy tips and tricks will help keep your bills down!
The workshops will be interactive, meaning you will be able to ask questions and get involved. Afterwards you will be invited to join our online community where you can find even more energy-savings hacks, insights, and advice.
You can attend a Bill Buster workshop in person on a selected date or you can request a Bill Buster
expert to come along to your local area for groups of 10 or more.
Plus, if you can’t attend in person, you can join one of our online educational sessions. There will be
virtual Bill Buster workshops and you can request a virtual Bill Buster workshop for groups of 5 or more.
Utilita welcomes those interested in teaching energy-saving sessions to their local community to take part in a free, virtual 1-hour training session. Simply visit the Utilita Community and click the ‘Become a Bill Buster’ section for more information.
For more information on Bill Buster sessions or to find out more on how to become a Bill Buster yourself. Please email education@utilita.co.uk